Why enterprises need to embrace the future of work


The pace of change is pushing enterprises to embrace new ways of working. As we move deeper into the 21st century, the future of work is rapidly taking shape. The rise of new technologies and a changing socio-economic climate are creating challenges and opportunities for enterprises. 

The future of work presents a complex and evolving landscape, with new demands and expectations for leaders, employees and organisational culture. However, it’s not just as simple as switching off one piece of tech in favour of another. Any big change is often met with initial resistance and subsequent chaos as the organisation tries to establish a new status quo. 

Preparing for the future of work requires a considered approach. To ensure maximum return on investment (ROI) on any new technologies or change initiatives, leaders need to upskill themselves, their employees and foster an organisational culture that can withstand the unsettling effects of a change. With the support of change management consultants, enterprises can focus on maintaining operations and business-as-usual (BAU), while experts in change management prepare the organisation for the future. 

Leadership capabilities for the future

If organisations do not develop their leaders, they will not have the right skills to deal with future uncertainties. The future of work necessitates a new leadership style – one that focuses on innovation and change. Leaders who can navigate ambiguity and uncertainty are the most prepared for what the future has to bring.  

Leaders need to be flexible and adaptable, supporting teams in a dynamic and changing environment. In uncertain times, leaders need to develop myriad soft skills to help staff deal with fear and insecurity. For example, when introducing automation into workflows, employees may worry about job security and skills gaps. It is up to the leaders to create psychological safety in the workplace and a sense of trust and collaboration.

In doing so, leaders can support employees to achieve their full potential through a culture of continuous improvement. Leaders also play a critical role in setting goals and the strategy of the organisation. By creating a compelling vision for the future of the business, leaders are able to inspire and motivate teams. For this to happen, they need to have a clear understanding of the challenges and opportunities. 

This is where a third-party change management consultant can provide an objective analysis, supporting enterprises in identifying critical stakeholders – the vital few – that will bring about the most change. Can!do supports business executives, managers and leadership teams with bespoke change management solutions and stakeholder analysis.  

A new generation of employees

Forward-looking companies need leaders who create a sense of direction for the organisation. The new generation of employees – the Gen Zs – are highly motivated by a sense of purpose. Many are drawn to jobs that align with their personal beliefs and values. This cohort prioritises wellness and mental health. With depression and anxiety affecting work performance, leadership needs to show they care about the well-being of their staff. Effective leaders focus on serving the needs of their employees and stakeholders.

By embracing the future of work, enterprises can create a competitive advantage that can drive growth and innovation. They can attract and retain top talent, increase productivity and create a culture of innovation that can drive success in the long term.

A future-proof organisational culture 

Staying competitive and relevant is a key reason why businesses need to embrace the future of work. Enterprises need to adopt an agile approach to work to be able to quickly adapt to changing business and market needs. Agility requires collaboration, accountability and supportive organisational culture.

Enterprises need to create an environment that encourages experimentation, risk-taking and continuous learning. An innovative culture fosters employee engagement and breaks down traditional silos. It encourages employees to think creatively, take risks and experiment with new ideas and approaches. 

Organisations that prioritise a culture of innovation are more likely to create profitable products and services. This is particularly important in today’s fast-changing business environment where disruptive technologies and new competitors can emerge at any time. 

Large enterprises often face particular challenges when it comes to building and maintaining agile high-performance teams; because of their size and scale, it can be difficult for enterprises to coordinate and manage teams. Communication breakdowns and silos greatly impact the innovation process. 

Complex organisational structures with many layers of management and bureaucracy can slow down decision-making. To compound the issue further, entrenched ways of working can make it difficult for staff to embrace new approaches and technologies. The future of work requires enterprises to address these challenges to ensure their market share is not taken over by an aspiring start-up.

Embracing technologies for the future of work

Rapid advances in technology present both a threat and an opportunity for enterprises. Being able to keep up with the times is a key challenge for enterprises. In response, many organisations are investing in technology that supports agile ways of work, promotes collaboration and enables remote work.

Alongside new technologies, enterprises need to develop their leadership capabilities, support employees through change and create a favourable culture for innovation. This requires change management to ensure that there is enough training and support for user adoption. Through a partnership with specialists in change management, enterprises are in a better position to embrace the future of work. For more information about our services, please contact us today.


Can!do works with large enterprises in South Africa to maximise the value of their employees, technology and business processes. To do this, we offer three fundamental services; change management, capability development and performance optimisation

We have 30 years of experience in these fields and have worked with leading companies in South Africa. We are a certified Level 2 B-BBEE company and a leading provider of new business systems and processes that drive user adoption. For industry insights and news, please follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.